

What does ozone therapy mean for healthy people? If you ask if it is necessary for me; I can say that this is actually "the most important care that can be done for our body". We try not to neglect the maintenance of our car and take it to the service 1 or 2 times a year, right? Well, what do we do for our most important asset, our body? Actually, we have to admit that most of us do nothing and as we do not do anything, we abuse and misuse it. We only remember when there is an illness.

It is a fact that we are eating worse and worse. Almost everything we eat, drink and breathe has unwanted substances that are harmful to the body and we are bombarded with these substances without realizing it. Smoking, stress, sedentary life, and unhealthy diet increase our toxic accumulation. In a study conducted in the United States, it was revealed that we take in an average of 2 kilograms of toxic substances (pesticides and hormones, alcohol, exhaust and cigarette smoke, etc.) into our bodies every year. Although some of them can be excreted from the body, the non-excreted parts accumulate and turn the water in our cells into a toxic sludge. In this case, we cannot utilize the oxygen coming into our cells in sufficient amounts and our energy production decreases. This is one of the most important causes of chronic fatigue and premature aging.

So what do we need to do to get rid of toxins and stay fit, healthy, and young? Ozonotherapy comes to our rescue here. It provides many times more benefits than the multi-vitamin and antioxidant supplements used. With ozonotherapy, the anti-oxidant system reaches its maximum capacity. Cells start to breathe again by getting rid of toxic sludge and start to produce more energy. In other words, our cells are actually detoxing.

This powerful detox effect spreading throughout the whole body causes us to get rid of chronic fatigue and gain energy, as well as a renewal in all cells and surprising positive changes in the skin. You can get a cleaner, smoother, firmer but soft and healthy looking skin in the form of reflection of inner health on our face. Besides all these, ozonotherapy strengthens the immune system, regulates hormone and enzyme production, calms the nerves, reduces body pain and improves sleep quality, strengthens brain function and memory. It has very positive effects on the liver.

While it offers a fast and effective solution alone or in combination with other drugs in more than 100 diseases, it is also used for ultrapreventive (highly effective disease prevention) and antiaging purposes in healthy people. With these effects, ozone therapy deserves to be praised as the source of health and youth of the future.
