

Cancer is a disease that continues to be the fearful dream of societies, and its treatment is very demanding and long-lasting. Although significant successes have been achieved against certain types of cancer today, it is clear that there is still a great distance to be covered in the treatment of cancer. The two most commonly used methods in the treatment of cancer, which is responsible for over 100,000 deaths in our country every year, are drug (chemotherapy) and radiotherapy. Depending on the condition of the disease and the patient, both treatment methods can be used separately or together.

One of the most important problems with cancer is the occurrence of recurrence and metastases, and another is the side effects of the treatments. Recurrence is more common in some types of cancer and requires long-term follow-up of the patient after the end of treatment. The side effects that occur during and after treatment are sometimes so severe that they cause a major deterioration in the patient's comfort of life and even greater problems than the disease itself. Today, drugs used to treat cancer also affect normal cells in the human body, causing long-term damage to vital organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Because cancer is a frightening disease, many patients and their relatives are looking for ways to supplement or help existing treatments. Today, dozens of products claiming to cure cancer, especially herbal medicines, are widely used by patients. A significant number of physicians are opposed to the use of these products, but in most cases such medicines are included in the treatment without consulting the physician. Although there are dozens of patients who claim to have benefited from them, since they are usually used in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is often not possible to determine which treatment is responsible for the beneficial effects. In any case, patients are strongly advised to consult their treating physician and to use such medicines with the approval of the attending physician.

One of the auxiliary treatment methods frequently used by patients and their relatives is ozone therapy. The effectiveness of ozone therapy in cancer treatment is being questioned more and more day by day. Considering the mechanism of action of ozone therapy, it is clear that the application of ozone to patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy will benefit the patient in several ways. First, ozone therapy supports the immune system and significantly increases the capacity of the human body to fight cancer cells. Secondly, it increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy by regulating the blood supply and circulation of tissues. As is well known, cancer tissue needs to be well blooded for both treatment methods to be effective. Thirdly, it reduces the capacity of cancer cells to metastasize (migrate to other regions) by helping to solve the problem of hypoxia-oxygen deficiency in cancer tissue. Fourth, it helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (fatigue, exhaustion, hair loss, liver damage, radiotherapy-induced wounds and skin burns, etc.).

There are many centers in Italy and Germany that treat cancer patients with ozone alone. It is promising that this supportive treatment, which has just started to be recognized by physicians in our country, has no known side effects, does not bring a high additional burden to cancer treatment and increases the comfort of life and treatment effectiveness of many patients. Nevertheless, the fact that our patients receive this treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy courses, not ozone therapy alone, will lead to satisfactory results for both patients and their relatives.
