

Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is not a normal condition; it results from the abnormal formation of skin and subcutaneous fat cells.
Cellulite arises from impaired microcirculation due to lymphatic edema, fat herniation, hardened connective tissue, and fluctuations in estrogen levels. Increased fat and edema further disrupt microcirculation, creating a vicious cycle.

Cellulite arises from impaired microcirculation due to lymphatic edema, fat herniation, hardened connective tissue, and fluctuations in estrogen levels. Increased fat and edema further disrupt microcirculation, creating a vicious cycle.

As a result, this underlying problem beneath the skin's surface leads to the appearance commonly described as "orange peel" on the skin. This appearance is referred to as cellulite.

Cellulite consists of three elements:

Resistant and immobile lobular subcutaneous connective tissue
Regional superficial dense edema
Accumulations of trapped fat cells within the subcutaneous connective tissue

Cellulite is classified into four stages:

Stage 0: No visible cellulite even when the skin is pinched between two fingers.
Stage 1: Cellulite is not visible when standing or lying down. The orange peel appearance appears when the skin is pinched.
Stage 2: Cellulite is visible when standing but disappears when lying down.
Stage 3: Cellulite is visible both when standing and lying down.

Cellulite is most prominent in areas such as the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and legs. In addition to its aesthetic problems, cellulite is now recognized as a health concern.

The prevalence and severity of cellulite do not necessarily complicate treatment but may influence the content and duration of the treatment.

In conclusion, regardless of how long you've experienced cellulite or its severity, it's essential to remember that there is always a suitable treatment option for you.

Primarily stemming from a microcirculation issue, cellulite shows significant improvement with ozone treatments, which have a regulatory effect on circulation and fat metabolism.

Systemic and local ozone applications, generally beneficial for fat metabolism and microcirculation throughout the body, dissolve trapped fats in cellulite-affected areas, increase lymphatic drainage, promote tissue renewal, and rapidly eliminate the "orange peel" appearance, leading to a firm and radiant skin structure.

