

Hepatit A,B,C Herpes-HIV

The treatment of hepatitis is one of the crucial areas of ozone therapy. In this context, the therapeutic effect of ozone occurs through both a direct impact on the virus and an indirect influence via immunomodulatory activity. Ozone therapy is particularly effective in all types of viral hepatitis (A, B, C), especially in chronic forms.

Ozone acts on the polypeptide chains in the virus membrane, making it impossible for them to adhere to target cells (hepatocytes). Simultaneously, it alters the activity of the reverse transcriptase enzyme involved in the synthesis of virus proteins, thereby blocking the virus's replication cycle (Freberg, Carpendale, 1988). Capsulated viruses, containing more lipids that easily interact with ozone, are more sensitive to its effects.

The additional peroxide induced by ozone intensifies reduced cellular phagocytic activity in hepatitis. Ozone-oxygen gas mixture activates both cellular and humoral immunity. Ozone therapy leads to an increase in cytokine formation, including interferon, one of the most crucial factors in the body's endogenous defense against viral infection. Consequently, there is an increase in the production of T-killer cells responsible for regulating B lymphocyte function and the normalization of T-helper cells that regulate B lymphocyte function. These events ultimately lead to the suppression and elimination of the inflammatory process.

Ozone reduces platelet aggregation, preventing the development of secondary reactive inflammation (micronecrosis and microthrombosis). It positively affects hemostasis by increasing fibrinolytic activity and hypocoagulation in the blood. By enhancing the elasticity and deformability of erythrocytes, ozone improves their oxygen transport function, thereby increasing microcirculation and tissue oxygenation. Ozone eliminates the imbalance between oxidative free radical processes and endogenous antioxidant synthesis.

For chronic hepatitis, the selected treatment method is ozone major autohemotherapy with high activity levels. In the initial application of Major Ozone Hemotherapy (MOHT), a dose of 500 mcg of ozone is used with 100 ml of blood, and the gas mixture with a concentration of 5000 mcg/L (trial application). For subsequent applications, the ozone dose is gradually increased to 700 mcg in 100 ml, and the ozone concentration in the gas mixture is increased to 7000-10000 mcg/L (approximately 6-8 applications every two days). After a decrease in transaminase levels, the ozone dose is reduced to 700-500 mcg in 100 ml of blood, and the ozone concentration in the gas mixture is reduced to 7000-5000 mcg/L (one application per week) until the antioxidant level is stabilized. In less severe cases of hepatitis, ozone therapy involves ozone-treated physiological saline infusion of 1600-2000 mcg/L concentration in 400 ml, administered intravenously over a 10-12 day period.

Another treatment method is rectal ozone insufflation, performed every two days in a treatment course consisting of 10-15 insufflations. The recommended ozone concentration is 5000-10000 mcg/L in a volume of 300-500 ml (ozone dose - 1500-3000-5000 mcg). The incidence of toxic hepatitis due to alcohol and drug use has increased significantly among chronic diffuse liver diseases. In such cases, the therapeutic effect of ozone is based on the initiation of peroxides, which play a protective role on hepatocytes during the activation of lipid peroxidation processes, leading to the detoxification of the glutathione system. Ozone therapy for toxic hepatitis should combine ozone-treated physiological saline infusion and rectal insufflation (see above). After 2-3 applications, patients report subjective improvements in their general condition, appetite, sleep, relief from skin itching, reduced weight and pain in the right precostal region, and increased work desire.

After a course of treatment, positive developments occur in the biochemical and immunological indices of the blood, including increased levels of hyperbilirubinemia, AST, ALT, ALP, and normalization of albumin stimulatory function. In 60% of patients, viremia disappears (A.V. Zmyzglova, N.P. Isaeva, 1998). Inhibiting lipid peroxidation processes and activating the body's antioxidant defense system occur simultaneously. Significant improvements in systemic and intrahepatic microcirculation parameters are observed according to rheohepatography and biomicroscopy data (V.V. Nedogoda, O.Yu. Sviridenko, 2000). It is important for patients to tolerate the treatment well; no aggravations or complications have been observed.

The use of ozone can be extended up to 1-2 months, and applications can be performed 1-2 times a week. Ozone therapy for hepatitis can be used as a complementary or monotherapy. The use of antioxidants together with ozone is necessary.

Hepatitis C and Ozone Treatment

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a disease with rapidly increasing prevalence worldwide, posing a significant public health concern due to its adaptability and high pathogenicity. The recognition of hepatitis viruses dates back to the 1970s, with Hepatitis C being identified in 1989. The global human population, migration, and travel have rapidly increased the demographic and geographic distribution of Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The HCV particle consists of a nucleocapsid and a single RNA.

With 9600 nucleotides, it is protein-coated, and its lipid structure is composed of 60% phospholipids and the remaining cholesterol, with approximately 100 subgroups. HCV's viral life persists by binding to receptors on the host cell surface, primarily hepatocytes (liver cells). However, it can also affect bone marrow, kidney cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, and granulocytes. Once inside the cell, the virus sheds its envelope and binds to ribosomes, initiating the viral polymerase RNA replication cycle. This process produces around 10 billion viruses per day, releasing them into the general circulation and lymphatic circulation to infect new cells and re-infect previously infected cells. HCV RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to detect the virus, with detection possible if there are more than 10 million viruses per milliliter. Infection can occur with just 0.0001 milliliters of blood.

Clinical and laboratory manifestations of hepatitis in the acute phase of HCV are rare and challenging to capture. The majority of cases become chronic, with a 6-week incubation period. Initially, symptoms may include fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, and mild abdominal pain. The pre-icteric period, from these symptoms to the onset of jaundice, usually lasts between 2 and 12 days. The icteric period is characterized by the onset of jaundice and darkening of urine. Symptoms resolve during the recovery period.

In chronic hepatitis, elevated HCV RNA and liver enzyme levels persist for six months or longer. Patients can be asymptomatic or experience the return of symptoms, sometimes with acute exacerbation. Hepatitis C is differentiated from other viral hepatic infections through serological and virological investigations. Liver enzymes are typically affected, including ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, bilirubin, prothrombin time, and platelets. Cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma may occur in 20-25% of patients within 20 years. Complete recovery is possible in 10% of patients. Current treatments involve interferon and ribavirin, which may have various side effects.

Hepatitis C and Ozone Treatment:

Ozone is a potent oxidant that, when administered in increasing doses into the bloodstream, affects various blood cells. White blood cells and platelets are resistant to oxidative stress. Ozone's antiviral activities have been recently discovered. Studies have shown that ozone breaks down the lipid envelope of the virus, with the most sensitive viruses being HCV, Herpes 1 and 2, and HIV 1 and 2. Recent studies have demonstrated a reduction in HCV viral load, improvement in hepatic enzymes, and overall improvement in patient health with ozone therapy. Technically, Major Autohemotherapy (MAHT) is recommended.
