

Spot Treatment

Spot treatments with lasers are procedures applied to marks caused by changes in the amount of melanin pigment in the skin due to factors such as pregnancy, sun exposure, and hormonal reasons. As these marks increase, they can lead to an undesirable appearance. Treating skin spots results in smoother and brighter skin. The key here is to make the correct diagnosis of the spots and apply the appropriate treatment.

At our clinic, we aim to eliminate problems from the root by reaching spots in all layers of the skin with state-of-the-art devices. Sunspots, pregnancy-related spots (melasma), freckles, spots caused by fungal diseases and allergic reactions are skin problems that can be solved by spot treatment methods.

Laser Sunspot Treatment

Laser sunspot treatment is a procedure primarily focused on eliminating certain spots that occur as a result of excessive sun exposure, especially in individuals with dark and wheatish skin tones. Sunspot treatments are time-consuming and require expertise. Choosing the right laser and its application by experienced hands are important to avoid irritating the skin.

The tolerance of each skin to the sun varies. Any moment we are directly exposed to the sun, whether by the window, on the balcony, on the street, in the car, can create a suitable ground for sunspots on our skin. Sunspots are generally found on the face, such as the forehead, cheeks, nose, and upper lip.

PRP, mesolifting, and procedures like dermarollers are among the most effective methods used to renew and rejuvenate the skin, especially to eliminate marks.

Laser Melasma Treatment

Melasma, also known as pregnancy mask, is a common skin problem characterized by brown spots on the skin. It has been observed that melasma, which manifests itself with brown spots, particularly affects the cheeks, nose, and forehead areas of the face. These pregnancy-related spots that usually occur in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy can be seen in anyone, especially in young women.

Individuals with a family history of melasma often experience these spots more frequently. Besides, the exact cause of melasma is not known. In recent years, research has been conducted on the effects of birth control pills on melasma.

The treatment lasts approximately between 4-8 sessions, and there should be a one-week interval between each session.

Laser Freckle Treatment

Freckling occurs when the skin is excessively damaged by the sun, and melanin pigment clusters above normal levels. Sunbathing increases freckling. Additionally, people who work outdoors, such as farmers, sailors, and construction workers, are more prone to freckling. Laser freckle treatment is the most successful among all treated spots using lasers. The success is attributed to the fact that freckles are located in the upper layer of the skin, and melanin, which forms freckles, is prone to absorbing laser light.

In freckle treatment, you will feel a sharp sensation similar to a mosquito bite when the laser beams touch the skin. Anesthetic cream is used during sessions to avoid irritating the skin. After the application, there may be a needling sensation for about half an hour. To reduce this sensation, a cold compress can be applied.

After treatment, redness and swelling may occur in areas where the laser has touched. Swelling disappears within an average of 1 hour, but redness may turn slightly purple and peel off within 7-10 days. Laser freckle treatment has no known side effects other than these.

Freckles are not cancerous tissue and do not turn into cancer. However, as with all skin lesions, it is recommended to consult a dermatology specialist.

Laser Birthmark Treatment

Birthmarks, a vascular anomaly seen in 0.3% of newborns, usually appear as a skin lesion on the neck or face. However, they can also occur on the body and grow as age progresses. Birthmarks never shrink. Over time, their color darkens, and their thickness increases.

Birthmarks can be treated with laser therapy. The treatment aims to capture blood cells passing through the vessels that make up the birthmark with laser beams. After a while, the vessel disappears, and the mark begins to fade with each session. The color of the mark should lighten 1-2 months after each treatment. As the discoloration continues during the treatment process, the type of laser can be changed to increase effectiveness.

Laser birthmark treatment may cause temporary bruising and swelling, lasting for 5-10 days. Redness and swelling may also occur in other laser applications. These side effects are temporary.

Laser Acne Scar Treatment

Laser acne scar treatment is applied to treat indentations or discolorations in the skin that occur as acne heals. The pits and depressions formed on the skin cause it to appear rough and lifeless. If acne scars are deep, reducing the subcutaneous fat tissue accompanies the process.

Before laser acne treatment, the depth of existing scars and the patient's skin type are assessed. Before the application, an analgesic cream is applied to the skin. The duration of the application varies between 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the application area and the depth of the scars. A noticeable improvement is seen in every patient after treatment. However, the effectiveness of the treatment varies between 60% and 90% depending on the depth, extent, and skin type of the scars.
